Some of these nutrients are consistent with most women’s nutritional needs whether they’re expecting, lactating, or not—just in slightly higher levels. Others are to help support nutritional demands associated with postpartum. For example, Omega-3 DHA helps support omega-3 fatty acid content of breast milk in lactating women. Vitamin D is another example- according to the American Pregnancy Association, breastfed babies need an additional source of Vitamin D as breast milk alone may not provide an adequate amount. (5) A good postnatal multivitamin should help eliminate some of the guesswork around nutrition postpartum.*
We created Essential Postnatal specifically for the arrival of a mother’s new nutrient needs for six months postpartum, and throughout lactation. Featuring the aforementioned 15 key nutrients in obsessively-researched forms, just two (vegan) pills a day with vitamin d to help support bone health, folate and choline for brain health, omega-3 for fatty acid content of breast milk, and vitamin a and d for supporting normal immune function.*
Also, to help encourage healthy habits and make taking a multi more of a pleasure and less of a chore. We took into account common multivitamin-related grievances, like stomach upset and unpleasant taste—opting for delayed-release capsules designed to dissolve later (translation: you can take them on an empty stomach), and adding a food-grade minty or citrus tab to our bottles to help with odors and keep things fresh. The way we see it? No funky smell should get between you and your Ritual.*
A word on the minty and citrus tab: We added the tab to our bottles exclusively to enhance the experience, as multivitamins that contain omega-3 DHA can often have aromas reminiscent of the ocean due to the presence of fish oil, or in our case, omega-3 vegan algal oil.
Concerned about peppermint in your milk supply? Our commitment to Traceability—and the importance of providing safety assurance to our breastfeeding community—led us straight back to our roots: science. We hired an external consulting firm to investigate the relationship between the peppermint in our minty tab and how it relates to breast milk supply. This firm conducted a safety assessment of exposure to peppermint during both pregnancy and lactation, which confirmed our own rigorous research findings: that the levels of peppermint in our minty tab do not pose a safety risk. That said, talking to your doctor about any specific concerns is never a bad idea.*