Life + Habits

4 Daily Habits a Productivity Expert Swears By

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Try these 4 productivity habits from expert Anne-Laure Le Cunff.
Try these 4 productivity habits from expert Anne-Laure Le Cunff.

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After leaving a big-name job in Silicon Valley, Anne-Laure Le Cunff set out to marry her tech background with a love of neuroscience. The result: Ness Labs, a learning platform dedicated to hacking productivity and creative thinking.

“I started it as a way to help people be more mindful of the way they work,” she says. “I genuinely believe it is possible to be productive and creative while taking care of our mental health.” So what does that look like in practice? Below, Le Cunff gives us a closer look inside her own performance-driven routine: From the daily habits that keep her motivated to some sage words she lives by.

1. Block off creative time.

“Every morning, I block time in my calendar to sit down and write. I make myself some tea, I put my phone in another room, and I get in the zone. This is when my mental energy levels are the highest, so I want to make the most of these precious hours.”

2. Find time during the week to journal—even if it's just for a few minutes.

"Another routine I have is journal once a week. Some people do it everyday, but I have found that once a week is the perfect cadence for me. I write about what went well, what didn't go so well, and what I want to focus on the following week. However chaotic things can get, my journaling routine helps me clear my head and feel grounded."

3. Less is more.

“We need to have a healthier conversation about productivity. Being productive doesn't mean getting a lot of things done. It means getting the right things done, and to do so in a sustainable way. Taking a step back to breathe, define our priorities, and saying no to meaningless tasks is more helpful than applying an army-like routine that will likely result in a burnout.”

4. Habit vs. Ritual: Know the difference.

“Habits are often mindless and automatic. Some can be good, like brushing our teeth, but others can be bad, and it's hard to get rid of them. Routines require a conscious effort. We know routines are good for us, so we try to stick with them. For instance, exercising, or making our bed in the morning.

"Rituals, however, are when we bring our whole self to an activity; when you're fully present. What's interesting is that any routine can become a ritual if we choose so. Stretching in the morning, making a cup of tea. Rituals are especially powerful in uncertain times, because they create a little window of self-care we can spend with ourselves.”


Find Your Ritual

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